Welcome to Bibliocarta's digital archive of personal reading recommendations from fellow travellers.

Whether you’re travelling with us or going solo, check in to find a mixture of fiction and non-fiction from around the world.

If you’ve recently travelled somewhere and read a book you’d recommend to anyone else en route, please add it to our library!

Please note: We prioritise books written by people with a clear connection to the country. Citizenship is complicated and political but generally speaking, books featured here are written by authors who have at least lived for some time in the country they write about. A book or author appearing in Bibliocarta’s library does not mean the Bibliocarta team personally endorses that book or author; this is a community-sourced and dynamic space.


No. 91/92: A Parisian Bus Diary

No. 91/92: A Parisian Bus Diary

 FRANCE, FICTION No. 91/92: A Parisian Bus DiaryLauren Elkin This review is based on the 2021 edition by Tablo Publishing. The diary entries are observations made by Elkin while she...

No. 91/92: A Parisian Bus Diary

 FRANCE, FICTION No. 91/92: A Parisian Bus DiaryLauren Elkin This review is based on the 2021 edition by Tablo Publishing. The diary entries are observations made by Elkin while she...



FIJI, FICTION SugarEdward Narain & Tarryn Phillips This is an ethnographic novel set in Suva, the capital of Fiji. The book follows three strangers, Hannah a young Australian expat, Isikeli a...


FIJI, FICTION SugarEdward Narain & Tarryn Phillips This is an ethnographic novel set in Suva, the capital of Fiji. The book follows three strangers, Hannah a young Australian expat, Isikeli a...

The Housekeeper and the Professor

The Housekeeper and the Professor

JAPAN, FICTION The Housekeeper and the Professor Yōko OgawaTranslated by Stephen Snyder This a delightful quick read about a housekeeper who is assigned to a mathematician who, due to a traumatic injury,...

The Housekeeper and the Professor

JAPAN, FICTION The Housekeeper and the Professor Yōko OgawaTranslated by Stephen Snyder This a delightful quick read about a housekeeper who is assigned to a mathematician who, due to a traumatic injury,...

Cold Enough For Snow

Cold Enough For Snow

JAPAN, FICTION Cold Enough for SnowJessica Au This thoughtful and contemplative novel is about a mother and daughter travelling to Japan. The lyrical descriptions of Tokyo streets, museum visits, and...

Cold Enough For Snow

JAPAN, FICTION Cold Enough for SnowJessica Au This thoughtful and contemplative novel is about a mother and daughter travelling to Japan. The lyrical descriptions of Tokyo streets, museum visits, and...

Funny Boy

Funny Boy

SRI LANKA, FICTION Funny BoyShyam Selvadurai Selvadurai's 1994 debut novel follows Arjie, a young Sri Lankan boy growing up in Colombo with his wealthy, Tamil family just before the start...

Funny Boy

SRI LANKA, FICTION Funny BoyShyam Selvadurai Selvadurai's 1994 debut novel follows Arjie, a young Sri Lankan boy growing up in Colombo with his wealthy, Tamil family just before the start...

Convenience Store Woman

Convenience Store Woman

JAPAN, FICTION Convenience Store WomanSayaka MurataTranslated by Ginny Tapley Takemori This slim little novel follows Keiko, a Tokyo local who's always felt like an outsider, as she gets a job at her local convenience...

Convenience Store Woman

JAPAN, FICTION Convenience Store WomanSayaka MurataTranslated by Ginny Tapley Takemori This slim little novel follows Keiko, a Tokyo local who's always felt like an outsider, as she gets a job at her local convenience...